Séminaire de Géométrie Tropicale

Institut Mathématiques de Jussieu ,
Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris 6

1er Février 2012, 14h00 salle 1525-502

Sergei Duzhin (Steklov Mathematical Institute)

Solution to Przytycki's conjecture on paired diagrams

Résumé :
A conjecture stated in 1987 asserts that there exists a knot whose diagram cannot be presented in the "matched form", that is, in such a way that its crossings are divided into pairs of the simplest possible form (as a twice twisted braid). It is said that John Conway told Prsytycki that he had an example of such a knot in 1991, but he did not provide any example. In June 2011, my student M.Shkolnikov and myself proved that, e.g., the pretzel knot P(3,3,-3) does not have such a diagram. The proof is based on the construction of a special Seifert surface of the knot and on the properties of Alexander ideals.