Séminaire de Géométrie Tropicale

Institut Mathématiques de Jussieu ,
Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris 6

Mercredi 27 novembre, 16h15 salle 1525-502

Gleb Koshevoy (CEMI)

Tropical Plücker functions and Kashiwara crystals

Résumé :
A finite Kashiwara crystal is a finite edge-colored digraph (directed graph) in which each connected monochromatic subgraph is a simple path and there are certain interrelations on the lengths of such paths, described via coefficients of a Cartan matrix (features of this matrix characterize the crystal type). Crystals are of importance in representation theory. I will explain a new model for free n-colored crystals of type A: the vertices of the free crystal graph are identified with integer-valued tropical Pl\"ucker functions on the n-dimensional Boolean cube and the edges of color i (yielding the crystal operation $\mathbf i$), i=1,...,n, are defined by use of the restriction of TP-functions to a rhombus tiling which is adapted to this color. The subgraph whose vertices correspond to the submodular TP-functions is isomorphic to the Kashiwara crystal graph B(\infty) which serves a `combinatorial skeleton' of the canonical basis introduced by Lusztig. This model of A-type crystals is symmetric with respect to the inversion of colors. This allows us to get a transparent construction of crystals (free crystals) of types B and C by considering the corresponding symmetric TP-functions and rhombus tilings. This is a joint work with V.Danilov and A.Karzanov